Terms of Business
Terms of use and Privacy Policy also apply :
These Terms of Business, along with GCC Salon Jobs.com aka Beauty Factory HR Solution FZ-LLC.  Privacy Policy and Terms of use, specify the basis on which the website should be used. By your use of the site, you are agreeing to all these terms.

Recruiters or company owners have several options :
Recruiters can search among and view anonymized CVs and request contact details for chosen CVs. Recruiters may also place an advertisement directly on the website as long as respondents are required to reply via GccSalonJobs.com aka Beauty Factory HR Solution FZ-LLC system. You are deemed to agree to our Privacy Statement and Terms of Use when you browse CVs and to all our terms, including these Terms of Business, when you register for our services.

We reserve the right to decline to accept advertisements or changes to advertisements at our discretion.

Charges for our services are as posted on our website
If you have any questions concerning our services or fees speak with a member of the sales team at +977-9851002112 | 058 135 1370 or email hello@gccsalonjobs.com. Currency transactions will be converted into AED at the ruling rate by our secure online payment service provider. See our Policy Statement and the booking/registration page for more details. Applications for a credit account with GccSalon Jobs.com aka Beauty Factory HR Solution FZ-LLC may be considered for repeat clients. Invoices are payable on receipt, late payment will incur interest charges at the rate of 3% above.

Click here to view our current fees and services:

Advertisers are responsible for their copy (and images) :
Advertisers must accept full responsibility for the copy and images supplied to Gccsalonjobs.com for publication on the GccSalonJobs.com website(s).

Advertisers agree to indemnify GccSalonJobs.com for their copy (and images) :
The Advertiser agrees to indemnify, defend (or, where applicable, pay the defense costs for) and hold harmless GccSalonJobs.com from and against any and all Liabilities that any third party seeks to impose upon GccSalonJobs.com, or which are imposed upon GccSalonJobs.com, and that relate to, arise out of or result from the Advertiser’s advertising copy, including images, posted by GccSalonJobs.com on the Beauty Factory HR Solution FZ-LLC website(s).

Advertisers must have all rights and permissions for their copy (and images) :
In particular, by submitting copy for posting on GccSalonJobs.com website(s) the Advertiser is also confirming that it has all necessary rights and permissions to publish such copy, including images, and that GCCSalonJobs.com is indemnified by the Advertiser for any royalties or licence fees which may become due on such copy and or images.

Advertisers must check their copy (and images), as posted :
Advertisers must accept responsibility for checking their copy, including images, as posted on the GccSalonJobs.com website(s) and will be deemed to have accepted this in the absence of any communication by them to GccSalonJobs.com pointing out errors or omissions.

We will tell you if issues arise about your advertisement(s) :
GccSalonJobs.com undertakes to promptly inform the Advertiser of any issues arising which come to its attention and which might reasonably be expected to result in a claim under this indemnity.

Advertisement sizes may vary
Sizes of advertisements will be determined by GccSalonJobs.com from time to time. Non-standard sizes may be agreed upon by arrangement with the sales team. Advertisements not relating to specific jobs may be agreed upon by arrangement with the sales team.

Information provided by candidates is not warranted by GccSalonJobs.com aka Beauty Factory HR Solution FZ-LLC :
Recruiters bear sole responsibility for checking references and the validity of any qualifications, work permits, or any other matter. GCCSalonJobs.com Limited accepts no responsibility for the suitability of any candidate applying for any position.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of candidate information :
Any CV contact details you acquire will be kept strictly confidential by you and used solely for the purposes of an application for the specific position and location disclosed to the candidate, and under no circumstances, divulged to any third party for any purpose whatsoever.

GccSalonJobs.com  aka Beauty Factory HR Solution FZ-LLC is not liable to you for any loss liability damage costs claims or expenses suffered or incurred by you arising from or in connection with the use of our site or in connection with the recruitment of any candidate using GccSalonJobs.com facilities, however, they may arise. Nothing in these terms will construe Beauty Factory HR Solution FZ-LLC as an agent or principal for an advertiser or a candidate, or GCCSalonJobs.com / Beauty Factory HR Solution FZ-LLC as an employer of a candidate. These terms shall be governed by the laws of UAE Courts and you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts in the event of any dispute arising between us. Your contract with GccSalonJobs.com aka Beauty Factory HR Solution FZ-LLC is only and exclusively on these terms, and not upon any other terms on which you might prefer to rely. These terms may not be varied unless expressly agreed in writing by a director of GccSalonJobs.com aka Beauty Factory HR Solution FZ-LLC.

Company details :
GccSalonJobs.com is the trading name of Beauty Factory HR Solution FZ-LLC, which operates as HR Consultant to make the recruitment process easy, fast, and enjoyable. GCC Salon Jobs  is registered at Government of Ras Al Khaimah, Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zone Authority.

Nail Academia is the term used as an academy in order to provide national and international professional nail training approved by The Government of Dubai, KHDA & Europe-based international certificate.

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